The Jungle Book 2016
Produced by Walt Disney Pictures, directed and co-produced by Jon Favreau, written by Justin Marks. Partly based on Disney's original version, but drew on Ripling's original book, giving it a darker tone. Created to be a live action movie but a large majority of it to be CGI animated but Favreau believed it to be still considered live action but wanted it to be part homeage. The development from hand drawn to CGI in the opening helped it to keep a strong sense of branding. Animals, landscapes were all created by CGI by the British Digital Effects House (MPC). The animals were given a realistic look, not a cute cuddly cartoon style to target older movie goers. 1967 humour would have been too broad for a live action. Disney were faily open to this idea as Favreau's new approach.
The narrative was structured differently as it developed from the 1967 film and Kipling's book. Favreau focused on the images he remembered from the original film to create homage.
Sex & Nudity:
Violence & Gore:
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking:
Frightening & Intense Scenes:
Ownership, marketing, distribution
The narrative was structured differently as it developed from the 1967 film and Kipling's book. Favreau focused on the images he remembered from the original film to create homage.
Sex & Nudity:
Violence & Gore:
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking:
Frightening & Intense Scenes:
Ownership, marketing, distribution
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